Team Selection
Teams are engineered in an effort to make them as balanced as possible using a number of criteria, listed below. Since there are new and unknown players every season though, it's impossible to get this perfect. If you observe serious imbalance, let someone on the executive know. Otherwise just try to have fun.
Teams are engineered according to several principles.
- Registration Partners - When two people register on the same registration form, they are placed on the same team.
- Gender balance
- Player effectiveness - Teams have equal strength.
- Age Blindness - No special consideration is made for age. Many older players are more effective than younger players. Your team may seem younger or older than others.
- Geographic Blindness - When our outdoor fields are in the same location there is no need to be on the same team to car pool.
- Crankiness - Yes, there are people who have difficulty behaving like adults in a team sport situation. These are grouped with level headed but positively assertive team mates.
It is strict league policy to not accede to requests to put people on the team of their choice so it is better not to ask. This is the only way to avoid disruptive cliques.