Home - Whitehorse Recreational Coed Soccer league
25th year anniversary (Silver Anniversary) of Whitehorse Recreational Co-ed Soccer
Whitehorse Recreational Coed Soccer league was founded by Doug Hitch and Ashraf Mahmoud with the start of outdoor 1999. There will be a party on Wednesday August 21, 2024 at Boston Pizza to celebrate the 25th year anniversary (Silver Anniversary) of Whitehorse Recreational Co-ed Soccer League.
Just For Fun
Whitehorse Recreational Co-ed Soccer is a non-competitive recreational league for adults (18 and over) that has been running since 1999. Whether you join for outdoor or indoor, you'll meet many people, get lots of exercise, and have loads of fun. We typically put on one social event each season as well. Plus, you get a glamorous T-shirt for your registration fee. Our outdoor season starts in May, the indoor season in October.

- A friendly, recreational atmosphere
- Equal time on the field for all players
- No contact or rough play
- Engineered teams
- Team shirt with logo
- No fitness or experience necessary
- Web and e-mail administration
- Partial indoor season rates
2024-25 Indoor Season
Registration for the 2024-25 indoor Season has opened on August 31, 2024. To register please click: Register 2024-25 indoor
- 2024-25 indoor Season starts October 6, 2024 and ends April 27, 2025.
- Two games a week: Wed. at 8 pm or 9pm, or Thurs. at 9pm. Plus, Sun. evening at 7, 8, or 9pm.
- Fee is $289.00. More information on our indoor season can be found here.
- If registration fills up and you would like to be placed on the Wait List, please e-mail your request to the league at this address: RecCoedSoccer@gmail.com.
2024 Outdoor Season
(Registration for the 2024 Outdoor has closed - please check Wait List option below)
- Start Date: May 23, 2024 - End Date: Sept 26, 2024.
- Two games per week - Mon. & Thurs. evenings 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM On the two adjoining fields behind St. Francis Secondary School in Riverdale.
- On the first three Saturdays of May, the league will be hosting free drop-in soccer for anyone: Free drop-in soccer May 4, 11 & 18 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM On the FH Collins field.
- Please wear a red or yellow shirt if you can. Red and yellow pinnies will be provided. Thanks.
Please check Outdoor Format here.
Wait List
2024 Outdoor Registration is full, but people can go on the Wait List if they send an e-mail to: reccoedsoccer@gmail.com and ask to be added to the 2024 Outdoor wait list. The format we have now best suits the number of registrants we typically get. When registration is full, the League keeps a Wait List and if numbers are too low at anytime during the season, we can get new players from the list.
The list is kept in chronological order. At any point in the season, any team rep can request that more players be added to their team. Wait listed people are offered spots - with an adjusted registration fee - and they have 24 hours to respond. If they do not respond, the position is offered to the next person on the list. When they show up and pay, they are given a shirt from the standing inventory and they start playing.
2022-2023 Indoor Season
Registration for the 2022-2023 indoor season has closed.
Our indoor season is longer this year and includes five more games than last season. Play begins Oct. 2 and finishes on April 30.
There are two games a week: Sunday evenings at 7:00, 8:00 or 9:00 PM, and, either Wed. at 8:00 or 9:00 PM or, Thurs. at 9:00 PM.
Games are played at the Canada Games Centre. More information on our indoor season can be found here.

2022 Outdoor Season
The 2022 Outdoor season has ended. Thanks everyone for the great summer!